Friday, August 20, 2010

Stairway to heaven.

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I'm a tiredgirl. :(

@Tuesday & Wednesday: Went to Bobby's house after schl while waiting for Carlyn to meet us. Had lunch & it started to rain so heavily, the thunder & lightning like scarey only. Quickly walked back to schl to meet the rest cause we're going for the yog.

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Yay, luvz this ezlink card cos it looks like a credit card. HAHA

At first those matches very sian but until Singapore & Malaysia everyone all high up. Okie, I luvz screaming. Relieve all my stress ah ~ Yog ended @ 9pm+ Bobby's dad sent me home, thanks! :D Went to bathe & slept immediately. Intend to wakeup at 5am to study for chem test & phy prep exam but I couldn't get up.

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Slept all the way till 8am, bleahz. Studied for an hour thn bathed & head to schl @ 1030am ! Alot of problems at the office la -_- still call my mother, wth. Thn in class, Mrchan randomly showed Bobby's pix taken @ the yog & I laughed for idk how long. DAMN FUNNY.

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I was messaging with her that day in class & I forgot I left my phone on top of my bag. Zzz I just stood up & my phone flew, argh! Heartpain. :(

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Michelle bought me a mini pet dog vacuum !

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Nah, that's to trick me only. LOL

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Its actually sticky sweet! Thanks :D

@Thursday: Finally got nerds to eat, hehe. Geog lesson was damn boring. Idk why Mstham kept talking about god. My memory nowadays like fail only. I'm suppose to find Carlyn after schl but I totally forgot -_- Lucky I walked the other way & saw her waiting for me in class. I even forgot to bring home my oral book, argh! Went to do chem test & hsh after that :D Tired ttm, nap for 3hr+. Oops ~

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@Friday: Passed my physics test, happy! :) But its just pass only la. LOL After schl went to practice oral with Carlyn, Lia, Shiying & Msgopal. Then went down canteen to makan before going for oral. Everytime oral sure kena annoyed by kaian & zhanwang like madz cause I'm the last girl & I'm stucked in between them but tday had h2h talk. I think not bad lor, hehe. My oral today = CFM DISTINCTION LA. I think I even enlightened the examier, muahah! :D Gna study hard now, hope I won't go crazy when I can't do a maths qn again. LOL

So cute ! Haha.
Click on my nuffnang advs. :) I've got $53.31 now, gna cash out after o's. Shopping time! :D