Thursday, September 2, 2010

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Yoyoyoyo, prelims tday. Did essay first cause my sourcebase sucks. My hand was so tired that I couldn't even be bothered to write more for sourcebase. Hate it when they put papers that requires alot of writing on the sameday. I think the starting of my eng compo is not bad, but story very fail. :( Let me share abit, hehe.

" One of human's greatest weakness is the ability to control themselves regardless of behavior, temper or action. Even the most well-behaved person might turn bad, the most patience person might lose their temper some day & a righteous policeman might get corrupted. "

Then my fail story starts ....... skip to ending!

" People usually lose their control due to the happenings in their life, we might make a big fuss out of a mole's hill or spent months whinning over a fact which cannot be changed. We can get angry, upset or disappointed about a particular thing but at the end of the day, we are the ones suffering. It is about how we look at things & our ability to accept facts and new changes. "

Haha, not bad la hor. LOL Bye! :)
Weekends are here, yay. Love it manz.