Friday, September 10, 2010

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your look.

I'm suppose to blog yesterday but I got scared by the garfield thing & I went to scare bobby afterthat until I also become v scared. LOL Off comp & head to bed, hehe.

Went for geog remedial & Bobby waited for me outside schl afterthat. & I told her the tcher was still giving out paper so I won't be out so soon. But when I came out she was nagging like some old woman. :( So I told her I was kissing in class that's why took so long. LOL Her reaction was damn funny! Stun until ~ haha.

Okie, thn we bus to ikea @ Alexandra. 30stops, sit until my head so pain. Queued damn long before we could order. I ate smoked salmon with idk what vege & mashpotatoe + fav diam cake! Full until I felt like vomiting. Walked around ikea afterthat, woaaah ~ I always go thr eat but nvr walk so tday go play, very fun! Hehe.

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Went Anchorpoint next ! :) Walk + find a place to study. Like in France la hor. LOL
Always go out romantic with her one, wlao. :(

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Really like at France, haha. We still wear jacket until like that. Keep got spot light shine on me :$ At ikea eating also have, studying @ France also have. LOL See how dark is bobby, hehe.
Small updates are all @ my Twitter! :) Will blog again soon.