Thursday, February 4, 2010

kite !

Clicky !

Hehezx, Koofang told me this kite joke like years ago but until now I still can laugh about it lor! DAMN FUNNNNNNY CAN ! Idk why Faiz don't find it funneh. LOL :(

Once upon a time .................................
There's this boy, whose his face super flat. Then all his classmates always tease him, say his face so flat, like kite like that. Got once, even his teacher said that to him! He went home & tell his mother but his mother just told him ... ( I forget what was it ) . He was super sad, and he ran out of house and then ........ FLY AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! WTF !! FUNNY LOR. KITE FACE ~ AND THEN FLY AWAY !!! Wlaozx, I keep laughing now. Hehooo! I din't manage to study today, sianzx!! I think I'm going out tomorrow, no chinese remedial please :( !!!