Tuesday, June 8, 2010


为什么烟火打不到星星 ????
( This is suppose to be a joke. )

Why was Snow White given an apple with poison?
To show that not all people are as kind as what they pretend to be.

Why did Cinderella have to run away when the clock stroke midnight?
To remind us that everything has limitations, even dreams.

Why did Ariel decide to exchange her fins with feet?
To show that anyone is willing to give up anything just to be happy.

I think I'm getting used to my hair. :) Its growing back quickly, and I like it ! ^^ Haha.
我在你左右 last epi tday, but its a happy ending (Y) ! I luvz happy endings. :)
And lastly, happy birthday my dear! You're as old as me now, heee. Muah muah :*

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